Thursday, January 03, 2008

Project: Sell This House

It has begun! Or, at least it will begin after I get off the computer. I was hoping to get it all done by the end of January. But, after writing it all out, it looks like it will be more like mid-February. But that's okay. I just pray once it's on the market it sells fast.
So here is my To-Do list for today.....

* Do dishes
* Do a load of laundry
* Put away clean clothes (I have a mountain to put away)
* Gather all trash together (trash man comes early tomorrow morning)
* Clean out refirgerator (ICK!)
* Clean out the cupboard
* Clean off table
* Clean off the couch
* Clean off the love seat
* Vacuum
* Take down the Christmas tree

Compared to the rest of my lists, this one's pretty tame! I'll post again later to let you know how I did. I hope I can get it all done! No. Scratch that. I CAN get it all done. I hope I WILL get it all done.
Anyway, take care all of you in blogland!